Living Maxwell
Better Choices
Organic Strawberries are Found to be More Nutritious, Says Washington State University
I just love reading announcements like this. Researchers at Washington State University just released the results of their study of strawberries and concluded that organic is superior to conventional in several different categories.
Not that this is any great surprise to me but having empirical evidence is always beneficial.
The study, which was published in PLoS One, came to the following conclusions about organic strawberries:
– Longer shelf life and greater dry matter.
– Higher antioxidant activity and concentrations of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds.
– Sweeter taste, better flavor and appearance.
– Soil that the strawberries are grown in is superior — more carbon, nitrogen, greater microbial biomass, higher concentrations of micronutrients, greater numbers of endemic genes, and greater functional gene abundance and diversity.
This last point about the soil cannot be underestimated. As I have said many times before, it is all about the soil. Pesticides and GMOs absolutely destroy soil. Organic farming nurtures and respects soil.
A food’s nutritional value is directly correlated to the quality of the soil.
Furthermore, strawberries are on the Dirty Dozen list of foods that should always be eaten organically. There is no skin or peel as a first layer of defense from the toxic chemicals that are sprayed on them.
This report is very, very good news. Please share this with your family and friends.