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Living Maxwell


What’s the Healthiest Breakfast? These “Experts” Don’t Believe Organic is Part of the Equation

In TIME magazine the other day, there was an article called “What’s the Healthiest Breakfast?” and they asked 7 experts for their responses.

Only 2 of the 7 respondents, comprised of nutritionists, registered dieticians and one trainer, mentioned organic.

While everyone has a varying opinion about what comprises a healthy breakfast, I believe that if a breakfast is not organic, it isn’t that healthy. Why?

When you’re eating conventionally-grown food/dairy products and you buy them at the market, you have no idea if they have been sprayed with toxic chemicals, contain genetically-modified ingredients (GMOs), or come from animals who have been fed synthetic growth hormones.

Approximately 80% of the food on the supermarket shelves contains GMOs. What you may not know is that:

Studies of animals who were fed a strictly GMO-diet suffered from serious kidney and liver damage.

– The link between GMOs and fertility problems is a very strong one.

A study in the journal Pediatrics associates exposure to pesticides with an increase in the number of cases of ADHD in the U.S. and Canada.

-Dr. Samuel Epstein, Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, author of  What’s In Your Milk?: An Exposé of Industry and Government Cover-Up on the Dangers of Genetically Engineered (rBGH) Milk, and an international leading authority on the causes and prevention of cancer, says that rBGH (the synthetic growth hormone administered to the animals) makes cows sick.

Unlike conventionally-grown food, organic food does not allow toxic chemicals, GMOs, or synthetic growth hormones into its products. Additionally, there are very strict rules, regulations, and enforcement with organic.


If you’re new to organic, here are a few posts to get started.

1) Milk – the most important organic product a family can buy.

2) The 3 most important foods to eat organic.

3) How to get kids to eat more organic greens.

4) The Dirty Dozen – the must-have organic fruits and vegetables.

5) Dirty Dozen of Fish – 12 different fish to avoid. There are no USDA organic guidelines around fish but this will help steer you in the right direction.

6) Label It Now e-book. Written by the founder of Stonyfield, Gary Hirshberg, it gives you the truth behind genetically-modified foods.

7) How to Know if What We’re Eating is Organic or Not.


This is a topic that I am asked about all of the time. Check out:

– My nutritious organic breakfast for $1.14

– My delicious organic dinner for $4.97

Remember, you don’t have to switch to 100% organic Day 1.

Take it slowly, start doing your research, and begin asking questions. Incorporating organic into your family’s diet is a process that takes time.

A message from Tradin Organic

Why Tradin Organic is Prioritizing Regenerative Organic Farming

At Tradin Organic, we believe that regenerative organic farming is key to growing healthy and nutritious food ingredients — for now and for future generations.

And in Sierra Leone, we have grown the world’s first Regenerative Organic Certified cacao.

Learn more.

livingmaxwell: a guide to organic food & drink