Living Maxwell
Better Choices
Organic Broccoli Sprouts Provide Amazing Health Benefits…..and Sulforaphane
If you ever go to a talk by Dr. Brian Clement, founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute and the person in this video discussing the merits of Green Juice vs. Green Smoothies, you can be guaranteed to hear this: eat and juice sprouts.
The reason that he is saying this is because sprouts have incredibly important health properties. They have very high levels of nutrients and enzymes, which provide the body valuable energy to detox and strengthen the immune system.
According to the Hippocrates Health Institute, the other key benefits of sprouts include:
– Increased vitality, energy and vigor from the large amount of enzymes.
– 10 to 100 times more enzymes than fruits and vegetables when eaten within the first seven days of being sprouted.
– Powerful antioxidants which help fight free radicals and aging.
– The minerals and nutrients are easily absorbed into the body.
While there are many excellent sprouts, there is a specific reason why I buy organic broccoli sprouts.
What broccoli sprouts offer is sulforaphane, a powerful anti-cancer compound that helps fight and reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Dr. Paul Talalay, Professor of Pharmacology at Johns Hopkins University, found that 3-day old broccoli sprouts consistently contained 20 to 50 times the amount of chemoprotective compounds than those found in mature broccoli heads. And sulforaphane is the reason why.
The President’s Cancel Panel report estimates that 41% (PDF File) of Americans will get cancer, and a large majority of those cases are environmental-related.
Even though I eat pretty much 100% organic, I am still exposed to many, many toxins by living in New York City and my mother passed away from cancer. Therefore, eating foods that have serious anti-cancer properties is a priority for me.
So, if I can get 20-50x times the cancer protection from eating broccoli sprouts rather than broccoli as a vegetable, I’ll take that any day of the week.
The next time you’re in the produce section of your market, take a look at organic broccoli sprouts.