Living Maxwell
Better Choices
Another Reason to Eat Organic — Protect Your Gut Health
Over the last few years, it has been a widely viewed belief among the medical community that the health of the bacteria in our bodies has a direct relationship to our overall health.
While the exact nature of the bacteria in our bodies still remains a big mystery, research is showing that certain bacteria can prevent and treat many common diseases.
More specifically, in tests with mice, bacteria played an important role in fighting cancer.
– A study published in PLOS One in April 2016 showed that the bacterium Lactobacillus johnsonii may protect against some cancers.
– Research from the University of Chicago found that introducing a certain strain of bacteria can strengthen the immune system’s ability to attack tumors.
So, if bacteria is proving to be an incredibly important tool to fight disease, shouldn’t we be doing everything we can to protect it?
One of the ways to best to protect your bacteria is to avoid the super-toxic herbicide glyphosate, the most widely used chemical in the world. Not only is glyphosate the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp, but the State of California has declared that glyphosate causes cancer.
Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini at the University of Caen, France conducted tests on rats and found that an environmental concentration of Roundup had a direct impact on the composition of the animal’s gut bacteria. Furthermore, these gut microbiome disturbances showed a substantial overlap with those associated with liver dysfunction in other studies.
What to do?
Eat organic.
While it is legal for glyphosate and Roundup to be sprayed on conventionally-grown foods, it is prohibited in organic farming.
So, the next time you’re deciding whether to purchase something organic or conventional, just think about what the bacteria in your gut would want you to eat.