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Living Maxwell


Another Reason to Eat Organic — California Says That Glyphosate is Known to Cause Cancer

If you are ever asked why you eat organic food, particularly from a skeptic, there is a very easy answer — you don’t want to get cancer.

In July 2017, the State of California announced that:

Glyphosate is listed under Proposition 65 effective July 7, 2017 as known to the state to cause cancer.

That’s right. The State of California has said that glyphosate is known to cause cancer and is now requiring warning labels, effective July 2018.


So, that begs the question: why should consumers care about this?

Because glyphosate is the most widely used chemical in the world today — approximately 300 million pounds of it is used each year in the U.S. — and it is sprayed on much of our food supply.

How much of the food supply and which foods exactly are sprayed with glyphosate?

It is a little difficult to say with exact precision because food labels do not disclose whether a product has been sprayed with this super-toxic chemical. However, here is what we do know.

1) Conventionally-grown foods allow for glyphosate to be sprayed on them. This means that any conventionally-grown food could potentially contain glyphosate.

To give you an idea of how serious this problem is, popular foods tested by Food Democracy Now! and The Detox Project found that glyphosate measured between 289.47 parts per billions (ppb) and at levels as high as 1,125.3 ppb.

General Mills – Cheerios: 1,125.3 ppb
General Mills – Honey Nut Cheerios: 670.2 ppb
PepsiCo – Stacy’s Simply Naked Pita Chips: 812.53
PepsiCo – Doritos Cool Ranch: 481.27 ppb
Nabisco – Ritz Crackers: 270.24 ppb

New scientific evidence shows that probable harm to human health could begin at ultra-low levels of glyphosate at 0.1 ppb. This is 1,750 times lower than what the EPA currently claims is safe.

2) Genetically-modified foods, which comprise roughly 70-80% of the foods on the grocery shelf, were designed to sell more chemicals.

As such, Monsanto’s RoundUp, a multi-billion dollar chemical and whose primary ingredient is glyphosate, is sold to farmers who purchase their GMO-corn and GMO-soybean seeds. RoundUp is sprayed directly on these crops.

So, if you are consuming a product which contains GMOs — such as corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, or cottonseed — there is an almost near guarantee that the product contains glyphosate.

3) Oftentimes, glyphosate is used on crops not to kill weeds but to make them dry faster. Yes, they are sprayed on crops, such as wheat, before they are harvested to in order to make them dry faster! This is a process called desiccation.

To give you some perspective, 78% of rapeseed oil — the third largest source of vegetable oil — is desiccated in the UK.


1) Buy organic because organic food production prohibits the use of glyphosate. Look for the USDA organic seal on products.

2) Although there are not many of them on marketplace just yet, look for products that have the Glyphosate Residue-Free Certification.  (See here for more information about this certification.)


3) Do not consume GMOs. If you need more information or guidance about this, please make sure to read my post 5 Essential Ways to Avoid GMOs.



According to the President’s Cancer Panel report, 41% of Americans are going to get cancer and 21% of Americans are going to die from cancer. In light of the fact that this report is a decade old, it is very likely that these numbers are significantly higher.

So, with skyrocketing cancer rates in our country and with the State of California telling people that glyphosate is known to cause cancer, what more of an incentive do people need to make the switch to organic?

A message from E3Live

"My Everyday, Must-Have Green Organic Aquabotanical"

The best testimonial that I can give is that I drink this every single day, as it impacts my mood in an incredibly positive way.

E3Live + BrainON is certified organic, fresh-frozen AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) with a concentrated, aqueous, organic extract of Phenylethylamine and Phycocyanin.

Learn more.

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Living Maxwell


Why Conventional Spinach is NOT a Smart Choice

The next time some expert tells you that the most important thing to do for your health is to consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables, regardless of whether they are organic or not, you may want to educate this person about the latest scientific research and government data.

As I wrote about the other day, a study out of Harvard found that women undergoing infertility treatment in the U.S. — and who were also consuming fruits and vegetables with high amounts of pesticide residue — were associated with a lower chance of pregnancy and a higher risk of pregnancy loss.

Men are equally as impacted by the harmful effects of pesticides.

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A message from Tradin Organic

Why Tradin Organic is Prioritizing Regenerative Organic Farming

At Tradin Organic, we believe that regenerative organic farming is key to growing healthy and nutritious food ingredients — for now and for future generations.

And in Sierra Leone, we have grown the world’s first Regenerative Organic Certified cacao.

Learn more.

Living Maxwell


Non-Organic Milk Tests Positive for Illegal Antibiotics, High Levels of Growth Hormones and Controversial Pesticide Contaminants

For years, I have been warning about the health risks of drinking non-organic hormonal milk.

But it isn’t just the synthetic growth hormones that are worrisome.

It is also the alarming level of antibiotics that animals receive and the pesticide-soaked, GMO grains they are fed.

A recently published report from researchers at Emory University, in collaboration with The Organic Center, is validating our concerns with non-organic milk.

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Organic Insider


A Very, Very Dangerous Precedent: FDA Approves Genetically-Engineered Salmon

Just a few hours ago, the FDA declared that GE-salmon is as safe to eat as non-GE salmon and has given its approval for it to be sold to consumers.

Despite the fact that:

– Over 400,000 comments were submitted demanding that genetically-engineered salmon be rejected.

– More than 300 environmental, consumer, health and animal welfare organizations, salmon and fishing groups and associations, food companies, chefs, and restaurants filed joint statements with the FDA opposing approval.

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livingmaxwell: a guide to organic food & drink