Living Maxwell
My #GMOfreefriday Breakfast? Cacao Hemp Seed Smoothie
With today being #GMOfreefriday, I wanted to use a product whose company has demonstrated an amazing commitment in the fight for GMO-labeling.
And that company is Nutiva.
Not only is Nutiva a massive supporter of California’s Proposition 37 but they were one of the very first sponsors of our GMO-labeling fundraiser in NYC a few weeks ago, they sponsored last night’s Yes on 37 event in Berkeley, CA, and they also sponsored the showing of the MUST-WATCH movie Genetic Roulette, Jeffrey Smith’s documentary on GMOs, so that the general population could see it for free.
I spent a good amount of time with John Roulac, Nutiva’s founder and CEO, at Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore last month and he is a great, great guy. His unwavering resolve to protect organic is a true inspiration.
Not only is Nutiva a brand that I am very happy to support because of the company’s activism, but the products totally rock. Nutiva’s hemp seeds are the only ones that I buy.
So, for today’s #GMOfreefriday smoothie, I used Nutiva’s hemp seeds as my base.
Organic ingredients used:
– One 16 oz. glass of hemp seed milk. (See video below for how to make nut (seed) milk. I used 3 cups of cold filtered water and 3/4 cup of shelled Nutiva hemp seeds. If possible, soak the seeds overnight in a covered glass of filtered water in the fridge)
– 1 banana
– 1 teaspoon of raw cacao powder
– 3 dates, pitted
– Dash of cinnamon
– 1.5 tablespoons of Boku’s protein powder
Finally, put all of the organic ingredients into the blender for 20 seconds.
I love starting my day with this drink, and I think you will too!