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Living Maxwell


MUST READ ARTICLE: Profile of Wall Street Money Manager and Organic Farming Advocate Jeremy Grantham

As you may already know, I regularly post an Organic Link Love column where I curate the most interesting and relevant organic food news stories from that week.

However, when I come across something exceptional, I’ll oftentimes dedicate an entire blog post to it.

One such story was in The New York Times the other day and was about about famed money manager Jeremy Grantham and his organic food mission.

In the food world, there is a David vs. Goliath war going on – Big Ag and the chemical industries have invested hundreds of millions of dollars to influence food policy and spread propaganda while organic remains a poorly represented and under-funded movement.

As a result, the U.S. does not label genetically-modified food (GMOs), politicians in Washington D.C. put corporate profits ahead of the healthy food needs of the citizens they represent, and many people are falsely led to believe that GMOs are the only way to feed the world.

So, when I see a very educated, respected, and intelligent Wall Street pro coming to the defense of organic, (something that I rarely, if ever, see), it gets me incredibly excited.

Jeremy Grantham isn’t just standing up for organic, he’s putting his money where his mouth is. He has invested in sustainable farming because he believes “we have to go to an organic system or we’ll starve” and says that most supporters of industrial agriculture are people who tell “deliberate lies over and over again.”

He has some other excellent, excellent things to say and I strongly encourage you to read this fantastic article. It is one of the best that I have come across in a long time.

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