Living Maxwell
John Schott of Lifefood Gourmet Discusses his Transition from Hardcore Raw Vegan to Meat Eater
Several weeks ago when I was in Miami, I stopped by one of my all-time favorite organic restaurants, Lifefood Gourmet.
Lifefood Gourmet is run by the super-talented John Schott, the person who first taught me about raw food and who also showed me how to make nut milk.
In 2007 when I first met John Schott, he was as hardcore of a raw food person as I had ever encountered. He ate 100% raw for eight years and strongly believed that this was the ultimate lifestyle.
So when I went back to see John Schott a few years later and he told me that he was now eating grass-fed beef, I almost fell off of my chair. I could not believe that these words were coming out of the mouth of someone who so firmly believed in raw food as a way of life.
In this interview, we discuss why he transitioned off of a 100% raw food diet, how he feels now, and what advice he would give to other people.
If you’re ever in Miami, absolutely stop by Lifefood Gourmet. The restaurant is incredibly committed to organic, and you’ll have some phenomenal food.