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VIDEO: President Hillary Clinton Would be a Nightmare for Organic

(Courtesy of Biography.com)

Let me first state that I have neither a Democratic agenda nor a Republican agenda.

I have an organic agenda.

So, whomever is in the White House matters a great deal because of the support, or lack of support, that our president will give to the organic industry.

Despite his campaign promise in 2007 to label GMOs, President Obama has failed to live up to this pledge and has betrayed organic advocates from the very beginning.

Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of The Center for Food Safety, has even said that “Obama is worse than Bush” when it comes to organic.

Among other things, Obama has essentially rubber-stamped every GMO that has been applied for, deregulated genetically-engineered alfalfa (which means that GE-alfalfa can be grown without restriction and will contaminate organic alfalfa, essential for the organic meat and dairy industries), and his USDA is in the process of destroying the National Organic Standards Board.

So, as all of us wait to see who will be the next president, and remain hopeful that he or she will protect organic food, one thing that should frighten us all are the following three words: President Hillary Clinton.

Take a look at the video below where she recently spoke at the Biotechnology Industry Organization conference (see minutes 28 to 32) and enthusiastically endorsed GMOs.

When speaking about GMOs, she says that “there is a gap between what the facts are and what perceptions are.”

Why is her support of GMOs so troubling?

Because GMOs contaminate organic farms, and the two CANNOT co-exist.


Organic Consumers Association has launched a petition telling Hillary Clinton to dump Monsanto and support organic.

Since the Clintons are master politicians, they will do whatever it takes to get into and stay in office. Therefore, the only chance we have is to make our voices heard and inform Hillary that her support of GMOs will have serious consequences among organic advocates.

To sign the petition, click HERE.

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