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Living Maxwell


Whole Foods Launches Amazing Initiative to Help Disabled Kids in Kenya

When I was first contacted by Whole Foods to learn about its new program to help raise money for kids in Africa, I didn’t have any idea what to expect.

I was very aware that the company, through its Whole Planet Foundation, does a lot of great work around the world, but the video below really blew me away. And I knew immediately that I had to write about it and spread the word.

In the small town of Maai Mahiu in Kenya, hundreds of special needs kids are completely shunned.

They are so tightly locked up in their houses that the people in this very small community have no idea that they even exist! Furthermore, the mothers of these kids are abused and ostracized for having given birth to disabled children.

In 2008, Zane Wilemon decided to do something about this situation and his Comfort the Children International (CTC) founded the first school for these forgotten kids.

At the school, the children have since learned to walk, read, write and enjoy a healthy environment with other kids.

CTC has since added a tailoring room onto the school where the non-profit is teaching mothers how to sew, having them make handmade products, and paying fair wages for their work.

Through the program, mothers are regaining hope and self-respect, lifting their families out of poverty and — for the first time ever — sending their children to school.

In order to help raise money for this special needs school, Whole Foods is selling a reusable coffee cup sleeve called a L.I.F.E. Jacket.

L.I.F.E. stands for Livelihood, Invest, Future, Empower, and the jackets are available for 99 cents with the purchase of any Allegro coffee beverage. 100% of all proceeds will be donated to CTC.

This is truly a phenomenal program and please consider buying a L.I.F.E. Jacket the next time you are in Whole Foods.

Awesome work!

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