Living Maxwell
The Future of Food Documentary – Watch it For FREE Online
If you have never seen this movie, please watch it as it is extremely important. It gives a very detailed review of how GMO-food evolved in our country and the tremendous danger that it presents to consumers, farmers and our entire planet.
As I have said many times before, the argument that GMO-food is the only way to feed the world is one of the most flawed arguments that I have ever heard. This is propaganda that the biotech industry and BigAg wants us to believe but is simply not true.
Three things in the movie that I want to point out:
1) Michael Taylor, a former external lawyer for and long-time employee of Monsanto, is mentioned in the movie as the person who basically gave the green light for GMO-food in the early 90s. Well, President Obama (a big supporter of GMO-food) has him back working in the government as the FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods.
2) Andrew Kimbrell, who speaks often in the film, is the Executive Director for The Center for Food Safety (CFS). The CFS is my favorite non-profit organization that fights tirelessly for organic food. Futhermore, the CFS is constantly litigating against Monsanto AND winning.
If you are looking to further the organic food cause, please consider supporting them.
3) As the movie mentions and something that I agree with 100%, the choices that we make at the supermarket will determine the future of food. We vote with our dollars every single day — three times per day, in fact.
The Future of Food DVD can be purchased HERE and can be viewed online for free. Please pass this link on to as many people as you know. It is so critical that we get the information out to the general public.
Thanks so much for your concern for high quality food (organic food) and for the health of the people in our world.