Living Maxwell
Movie: Symphony of the Soil – NYC Showing, Panel Discussion, and Free Ticket Giveaway
In a world where we are in a daily struggle against the proliferation of GMOs and toxic pesticides, one essential aspect of our ecological system gets widely ignored – the quality of our soil.
As I often say, the quality of our food is largely dependent upon the quality of the soil. Without healthy soil, our plants cannot provide us with the vital minerals and nutrients that we need. And that holds true for organic food as well. (A farm needs only to be free of chemicals for three years in order to be certified organic.)
Due to the industrial agriculture revolution, which utilizes mono-cropping and billions of pounds of harmful pesticides, our soil has been depleted and destroyed.
In the documentary Symphony of the Soil, experts assert that this loss in high quality soil is responsible for many of today’s health and environmental problems, including flooding, droughts, toxic algae blooms, contaminated drinking water, cancer, developmental problems, and others.
Produced by Deborah Koons Garcia, the widow of Grateful Dead leader Jerry Garcia and director of the phenomenal movie The Future of Food, Symphony of the Soil portrays soil as a protagonist of our planetary story. The film shows that soil is a complex living organism – the foundation of life on earth – yet most people treat it as insignificant.
This goal of the documentary is to get people to have a much greater appreciation for soil and how treating it correctly could help solve some of our most pressing environmental problems.
On Thursday, July 11th at the IFC Theater in Greenwich Village at 6:30PM, there will be a screening of the movie, and afterwards there will be a special panel discussion with: producer/director, Deborah Koons Garcia; UC-Berkeley Microbial Ecologist, Dr. Ignacio Chapela; and Senior Scientist with Consumers Union, Dr. Michael Hansen.
I am giving away four tickets to the screening and the panel discussion. So, two people will win two tickets each. The 6:30PM screening is now sold out.
In order to win, please do two things.
1) Leave a comment below saying that you would like the tickets.
2) Share my announcement about the ticket giveaway on Facebook. How do you do this?
Go to my Facebook page and click Share below my status update talking about the film and ticket giveaway.
Please Note: You must be a Fan of the Living Maxwell Facebook page, so I can see who has shared it. If you are not a Fan of the page, I cannot see if you have shared it or not.
I will announce the winners by Wednesday, July 10th at 4PM.
Good luck, and I hope to see you there!!