Living Maxwell
StopMonsanto Film Project Aims to Get Young People Involved in the Organic Movement
I recently got word of a film executive produced by Academy Award nominee actress Mariel Hemingway, and it has a working title of the StopMonsanto Film Project.
Interestingly, this is a scripted movie, instead of a documentary, about five young activists who protest the actions of Monsanto by launching a #StopMonsanto campaign.
The story begins with the main character attending an anti-Monsanto rally in an effort to impress his ex-girlfriend. While at the rally, he learns about Monsanto and soon becomes very involved in protesting against the company. Along the way, he teams up with several like-minded young people and they work together to raise awareness about Monsanto.
When their initial methods of protest do not work, they perform a series of attention grabbing stunts. The protestors’ actions put them in directly in the company’s sight, with devastating consequences.
The fact that it is a scripted movie with young people as the focus is very, very smart. Why?
Because one of the problems we have in the organic world is that teenagers or people in their early 20s are not engaged enough in the politics of organic food. Their voices are far too silent on the national stage, and we need to change this immediately.
This age group can not only rally support via social media much better and much faster than those of us in our 40s, 50s, or 60s, but the impact of GMOs is something that they are really going to be feeling in the next 20-50 years.
Getting young people involved in the anti-GMO cause through this way of telling a story is something that I have yet to see before. And I love it.
In order to make this movie, The StopMonsanto Film Project is seeking to raise $150,000 via the crowdfunding site IndieGoGo.
You can donate anywhere from $1 upwards and based on how much you give, you’ll receive certain items – t-shirts, credits in the movie, etc.
If the movie does not raise its $150,000 goal by August 31st, then your money will be completely refunded.
I cannot stress how important it is to get movies such as the StopMonsanto Film Project made because there are far too many people consuming GMOs and far too many politicians, including President Obama, promoting a GMO food policy.
Please consider making a donation of any size. I pledged $100 this morning.
In case you are new to food policy and GMOs, here are a few posts that will give you a sense of what is truly going on in Washington D.C.
– Interview with Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of The Center for Food Safety: “Obama is Worse than Bush When it Comes to Organic”
– Our Government is Close to Approving Genetically-Engineered Corn Resistant to 2-4, D, a Primary Ingredient in Agent Orange
– USDA Approves the De-regulation of Genetically-Engineered Alfalfa, Which Will Destroy the Organic Meat and Dairy Industries
– Our Tax Dollars are Being Used to Fund Genetically-Engineered Salmon