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Living Maxwell


Queen of The Sun: What are the Bees Telling Us? – A Movie We All Need to See

While I spend a lot of time here talking about the importance of eating organic food for our health, the subject of bees does not get nearly enough attention.

For those who are unaware, we are facing a very serious crisis with the disappearance of bees in our world, often referred to as colony collapse disorder.

In this fantastic documentary called Queen of the Sun, we learn first-hand why bees are so essential to our existence, what are the probable causes of their disappearance and how the EPA is exacerbating the problem by continuing to allow dangerous pesticides, which are severely harming the bees.

Why are bees so important to our existence?

Bees pollinate all of the plants that we consume. From what I have read, if the bees disappeared, we would have four years to live.

Queen of the Sun outlines the dire problem that society faces if we do not change course and gives the layperson, such as myself, an A to Z explanation of bees and their world.

I left the movie with several key takeaways:

1) I loved the visual presentation of the movie. The photography was spectacular.

2) There was a great line in the movie that said bees take care of us (since humanity could not exist without them) and now it is time that we take care of the bees. So true.

3) The movie ends on a very positive note. There is an increasing amount of people becoming aware of this issue, and more and more people are taking up beekeeping.

Similar to what Jeffrey Smith said at his GMO-training, we must maintain a positive attitude about the change that will happen. The fight won’t be easy and the issue is very grave but we must stay convinced that we will win and that things are headed in a positive direction.

I strongly suggest that everyone goes to see this movie, especially if you are concerned about our planet and are an organic food eater.

Before you do go, it might be helpful to read a post I did about organic honey. What is relevant to the movie has nothing to do with honey being certified organic or not but more having to do with the Varroa Mites and the coumaphos (chemicals) that is being put into the hives.

A message from Tradin Organic

Why Tradin Organic is Prioritizing Regenerative Organic Farming

At Tradin Organic, we believe that regenerative organic farming is key to growing healthy and nutritious food ingredients — for now and for future generations.

And in Sierra Leone, we have grown the world’s first Regenerative Organic Certified cacao.

Learn more.

livingmaxwell: a guide to organic food & drink