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Living Maxwell


Organic Link Love – June 2nd

I got back from my yoga class this afternoon and read the bad news: a division of the USDA, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), has to decided to recommend that the agency deregulate genetically-engineered sugar beets.

In plain English, what does this mean?

The report paves the way for the USDA to approve another senseless genetically-engineered crop, which will end up contaminating nearby organic plants. The Obama administration continues its complete betrayal of the organic industry.

On the bright side of things, it’s a gorgeous day in New York City and my yoga classed rocked. Here’s some organic food reading pleasure for you as the summer finally begins. Enjoy!


USDA announces final environmental impact statement and plant pest risk assessment for genetically-engineered sugar beets – USDA Press Office

Organic farming is nothing new to the farmers in Fiji – Pacific News Center

Gary Hirshberg, Chairman and Co-Founder of Stonyfield, is elected to the Social Venture Network Hall of Fame – Care 2

The Swiss are the biggest consumers of organic food in Europe – Swiss Info

Fed up with the quality of their food, students at Rutgers University grow their own organic produce – East Brunswick Patch

Organic superfood vendor Sunfood announces Non-GMO Project verification – MarketWatch

Interesting business analysis and overview of Whole Foods – Investor’s Business Daily

The demand for organic food in Mysore, India continues to take off – The Times of India

Awareness of the IMPORTANT California ballot initiative to label GMOs is growing – East County Magazine

Wild fires rage at the USDA’s National Organic Standards Board meeting in New Mexico – Cornucopia Institute

Student in Canada designs first-ever food production eco-system at her high school – Canada.com

University of Tennessee’s organic farming program is ranked in the top 6 in the U.S. – The Republic

Minnesota hay farmer finds new hobby: organic plants and produce – Quad Community Press

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livingmaxwell: a guide to organic food & drink