Living Maxwell
TAKE ACTION: Tell the Trump Administration Not to Kill the Organic Animal Welfare Standards
On the day before he left office, President Obama approved the Organic Animal Welfare Standards, also known as the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule (OLPP).
With the goal of improving how livestock are raised, OLPP, among many other things, would have outlawed porches and established minimum indoor space for birds.
If President Obama were that committed to the organic movement, he would not have waited until the very end of his presidency to sign this piece of legislation, thereby making it that much harder for the next administration — the Trump administration — to overturn it. Yet, that is precisely what has happened.
An adversary of all regulations, President Trump and his USDA delayed on three different occasions the OLPP before deciding to kill it altogether a few weeks ago in December.
Why do they want not better living conditions for the birds?
Because it would have been too costly for the “Big Organic” Egg producers to abide by these new rules, and these companies lobbied very hard to make sure that they were eliminated.
We have until tomorrow night — Wednesday, January 17th at midnight — to tell the USDA that this is not acceptable and that the Organic Animal Welfare Regulations (also known as OLPP) must be put into effect immediately.
To have your voice heard, click HERE.
Two other important things of note:
1) If you eat eggs, make sure to use Cornucopia’s Organic Egg Scorecard when you go shopping. This will tell you which ones to buy and which ones to avoid.
2) Don’t be fooled into thinking that the pretty pictures on the outside of an egg carton accurately depict the quality of the organic eggs inside.
Make sure to read my post where I compare the attractiveness of the egg carton to its actual rating on Cornucopia’s Scorecard.