Living Maxwell
Join Me in NYC for a GMO-Labeling Fundraiser to Benefit Proposition 37
As many of us know already, citizens in California will be voting in November on whether genetically-modified food (GMOs) should be labeled or not – Proposition 37.
Even though this is a vote in California, the implications for the rest of the country are enormous.
If California passes mandatory GMO-labeling, it will encourage other states to do the same and consumers throughout the country will finally know what is in their food.
As it stands now, the U.S. does not require GMOs to labeled. This is counter to what 40 other countries around the world (EU, Japan, Australia, Brazil, China, Russia) believe – they all require GMO-labeling.
Our refusal to label GMOs precludes us from knowing exactly what is in our food and goes against everything that America stands for.
Not surprisingly, Big Ag and the chemical industry do not want Proposition 37 to pass in California and have donated tens of millions to defeat this measure.
From the latest count that I have heard, we are being outspent $32 million to $3 million, or nearly 11-1.
Wanting to support our fellow organic advocates in California, my friend Vani Hari ( and I are hosting a dinner in New York City on October 1st to raise money for Proposition 37’s CA Right to Know campaign.
Tickets are $100 and all net proceeds will be donated to CA Right to Know. We are also in the process of lining up sponsors, so that 100% of all ticket sales can go to the campaign.
To purchase tickets and to get more information about the event, click HERE.
This event is being marketing to A LOT of people and there is a very limited number of seats. So, if you’re interested, please buy tickets early.
If you would like to go but can’t afford the $100, I will be giving away a free ticket on my Facebook page.
Can’t go to event but still interested in donating to the campaign? You can do so on the CA Right to Know website.
To learn more about Proposition 37, click HERE.
To learn which conventional, organic and natural food companies have donated money to defeat Proposition 37, click HERE. (These are also the companies that I am boycotting.)
Thank you so much for supporting organic food, and I look forward to seeing you on October 1st in New York City.