Living Maxwell
Looking for a Healthy Snack for Your Kids? Take a Look at Matt’s Munchies
Last night in my local organic market, I stumbled upon a bag of Matt’s Munchies banana fruit snack.
There are a bunch of these organic fruit snack products on the market but I had never run across this brand before and was immediately intrigued.
So, I flipped over the bag and took a look at the ingredients – organic banana puree. That’s it, nothing else.
It didn’t take long for me to rip it open and take a bite. And I was very pleasantly surprised at what I found.
Well, what I found was me standing there, chewing, and eating the entire bag until it was gone. And I had to restrain myself from going to buy another one.
The taste was fantastic (very banana-esque, of course) and the texture reminded me of caramel candy I used to devour eons ago.
If you’re looking for a healthy, organic snack for your kids, definitely check out Matt’s Munchies. I was impressed.
Matt’s Munchies is available at retail locations nationwide and can be purchased online.