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Tisano Cacao Tea – This Stuff Rocks!

All you have to do is open up the tin can of Tisano Cacao Tea and take one whiff of the product to know that you are in for a special ride.

Aside from the fact that its smell is beyond intoxicating, Tisano Cacao Tea is different than any other organic tea that I have ever come across. Why?

Well, instead of making a tea from leaves, Tisano uses cacao shells.

Yes, the tea is made from the shells of cacao beans.


Even though cacao tea is something completely new to most people, it isn’t some gimmick that organic food entrepreneurs came up with in their kitchen. Cacao tea has serious history.

Drinking a cacao beverage is a long, lost tradition of ancient civilizations in South America, and Tisano is simply revising it for today’s organic consumer.

Furthermore, research has shown that cacao beans have a higher level of antioxidants than any other food on the planet.

While the cacao shell is not a cacao bean, or powder, the cacao shell absorbs a lot of nutrients from the cacao bean and contains many similar health properties.

The cacao shell is also very high in magnesium, potassium and Vitamin D. Additionally, the product contains Theobromine, a naturally-occurring stimulant which raises serotonin levels and increases feelings of well-being.




Similar to other teas, you steep cacao shells in boiling water, let them sit for 4-5 minutes and then strain. (It helps to have a very fine strainer when making the tea.)

Despite the fact the Tisano Cacao Tea had such a strong chocolate aroma, the taste was actually much different than I had expected.

I thought it was going to be a lot like drinking hot chocolate but the taste and texture were very similar to regular tea. It was smooth, light, earthy and refreshing, all with just a hint of chocolate.


When I was done drinking my Tisano Cacao Tea, I knew right away that this was something that I would absolutely consume on a regular basis. It is a fantastic, fantastic organic product.

Tisano Cacao Tea contains nothing other than organic cacao shells, sourced from Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic, and it can be purchased online.

I tip my hat to you, Tisano, for a job really, really well-done!

A message from Tradin Organic

How Tradin Organic is Helping Coconut Farmers in The Philippines

For more than a decade, Tradin Organic has been working with local partners in The Philippines to bring a diversified range of organic products to the market, such as coconut oil, tropical fruits and even cocoa.

The company is helping to support local farmers by assisting them with technical support and organic certification, in addition to paying Fairtrade premium on top of the organic premium.

Learn more.

livingmaxwell: a guide to organic food & drink