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Living Maxwell


February’s New & Noteworthy in Organic – MUST-WATCH Movie, Drinking Vinegars, Subscription Baby Food Service, and More

New & Noteworthy in Organic is a monthly column that I officially launched today, and it will tell you about new and interesting organic products, drinks, restaurants, juice bars, books, events, and special promotions.

If you have something new and interesting that people should know about, please e-mail me.

(Suja’s drinking vinegars)

* The world’s leading pressed organic juice company has just launched 4 new flavors of its drinking vinegars –Ginger Turmeric, Lemongrass Lime, Grapefruit Jalapeño and Blueberry Lemon. However, what is fascinating about these new flavors is that Suja is using coconut vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar.

According to the company, coconut vinegar offers a wide variety of health benefits including all essential amino acids, a variety of minerals, Vitamins B and C, an alkaline profile, and a low rating on the Glycemic Index. These new drinking vinegars can be found at select retailers across the country. To find one near you, visit Suja’s store locator.


* The first-ever NYC Fermentation Festival will be taking place on Saturday in Brooklyn. The event will have over 30 vendors, DIY fermentation guidance help desks, educational seminars and demonstrations, and pop-up workshops for kids. I will be there, so come say hello!


* For those of you in the Midwest, another fantastic event is taking place this weekend. The 28th annual MOSES (Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service) Organic Farming Conference will be held in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Along with dozens of workshops, Mas Masumoto, a certified organic farmer and author, and Liz Carlisle, author and lecturer from Stanford University, will be the keynote speakers.


* If you have any babies in your household, Once Upon a Farm has introduced something very cool – a monthly subscription plan of its fresh, organic, cold-pressured baby food and applesauce for all ages, delivered directly to your doorstep.

You can try it for free and if you love it and want to continue, you will automatically roll into a subscription plan of your choice, which will not only save you 17% off regular pricing but you’ll get free shipping, too.

Choose from 12 different blends and get surprised each month with free bibs, onesies and extra pouches.

(Once Upon a Farm’s organic baby food and applesauce)


* Larry Plesent, one of the real brilliant minds in the industry and founder of Vermont Soap Organics, has been living in a Reactive Body for more than 30 years.

A Reactive Body is one that can become highly inflamed when exposed to some natural and many man-made chemicals, and it has been described as having full-body asthma.

To help people deal with this condition, Larry has released The Reactive Body Handbook. Download it for free.


* Put a variety of organic superfoods and whey protein powder into an emtpy bottle and just add cold water whenever you feel like a protein shake. Seems simple, doesn’t it?

Well, no one had figured this out until Stacy Berman came along and created The System by Stacy Berman, which offers pre-mixed protein powders that come in four flavors – coffee, peanut butter, roasted almond and coconut.

If you’d rather not carry around bottles, the company also offers the product in single and multi-serve bags. Plus, receive a 20% discount when you sign up for a subscription service. It’s perfect for traveling.

(The System by Stacy Berman pre-mixed protein powders)


* Without question, when it comes to protecting the environment and warning us about the dangers of synthetic chemicals, there is no figure more important in American history than Rachel Carson (below), author of the 1962 best-selling book Silent Spring.

The PBS documentary about her life is an absolute must-watch and tells the story of this remarkable woman, a true paradigm-changer. Every person who eats organic food and cares about the environment owes Rachel Carson a serious debt of gratitude.

This outstanding film can be watched HERE.

(American Experience: Rachel Carson on PBS)

A message from Tradin Organic

How Tradin Organic is Helping Coconut Farmers in The Philippines

For more than a decade, Tradin Organic has been working with local partners in The Philippines to bring a diversified range of organic products to the market, such as coconut oil, tropical fruits and even cocoa.

The company is helping to support local farmers by assisting them with technical support and organic certification, in addition to paying Fairtrade premium on top of the organic premium.

Learn more.

livingmaxwell: a guide to organic food & drink